My bags are packed and Im ready to go. I leave very early in the morning. To night I will enjoy my last night sleeping in my comfy bed. Iv said most of my goodbyes and will have a few last ones at the airport in the morning. Im good with goodbyes. Goodbyes and me and old friends. I don’t know if I have packed too much or not. Nine months seems long to back. I have 2 large, very full bags and a carry on.
Thank you again to everyone! Thanks to all the supporters, thanks for the prayer, and thanks for the well wishes!
Please be praying for my team lots during training week. It will be our first time together and it will be a very intense week. Pray for strong friendships to start, for openness, for humility, for endurance, for our leaders and for God to prepare us for the amazing things he has planed for this mission trip.
Recently I have read “The Prayer of Jebez”.(Which I plan to write a blog about soon.) Part of the prayer is asking God to “expand our territory”. This sounded weird to me at first. This is not asking God for more land, or more possessions, or for more business, or anything like that. It is asking God for more ministry territory, more people to reach, and more ways to reach them. And it is not asking for ourselves, but to expand the Kingdom of God. To glorify Him. To win more souls for Him.
I have been praying this about our ministry in South Africa. That God will work through us. That we will continue to build off of the ministry opportunities there already, and that new opportunities will constantly arise, new relationships, and new ministry fields. That South Africa, and especially Jbay will be overflowing with people crying out to God and praising Him!