I just read that we are going to be taking part in a ministry called “Beat The Drum” while in South Africa. I’m so excited for this! A film can be such a powerful thing. It can capture the attention of an audience and show things that we can only try to relay with words.
After I found out about this I quickly found the trailer for the film and watched it, and then followed that by a CNN interview about the film. Here’s the links to both trailers, please watch them both to have a better idea what the ministry is based around.
This is what I know about the ministry…

October 12th-19th 2008
Adventures in Missions is joining with other Jeffrey’s Bay, South African organizations, churches and friends to bring Beat the Drum to Somerset East and WE NEED YOUR HELP.
The horror of so many millions of souls currently under the curse of AIDS has been seen. The movie “Beat the Drum” was the catalyst for our response. A multi-faceted approach was developed that continued with a massive campaign to train young people in AIDS prevention, mobilizing people, volunteers from Africa and the US to break up into teams to go into high schools to train the learners in biblically-based AIDS prevention under a brand new project called, Beat the Drum.
In early 2008 George and Michele Mwanza took a team to Somerset East for outreach. They spent three days prayer walking through the community. Through this prayer walk God introduced them to many influential leaders and opened their eyes to the need for change and growth within this small community. George knew that the town was ready for Beat the Drum, it was just getting influential leaders on board. On Friday May 23rd six leaders went to present Beat the Drum to different representatives of schools, businesses, and churches. The response was amazing. God was so evident in that room that day. They are ready for Beat the Drum to happen tomorrow. God is telling us that it’s time to move in to Summerset East and open their eyes and hearts to the ways of our Lord.

*Continued prayer is needed for the whole week of community outreach week.
*Families of the community
*HIV/AIDS positive people in the community
*Home Visits
*For the volunteers
*Curriculum facilitation
*Lasting impact and real value
*For God’s spirit to be poured out on the people attending
*Opening of their eyes to the knowledge and truth with understanding
*The Truth of the Word of God
*For the overall smooth running of our programs
Vehicle rental/Gas for transporting teams from J-Bay to Somerset East (100 people/3 hour drive)
Curriculum-Our target is 6,000 books which will cost $.80 a book which equals $4,800.
Any additional food that is not donated by the community
HOW TO GIVE: www.adventures.org/give
(Type “BTD Summerset” in the Staff name block)
To serve the Somerset East Community by bringing primarily the message of abstinence through Beat the Drum project and giving hope through meeting felt needs in the community.
To see the movement of God
To see believers, Churches and ministries join hands in unity to serve our community
To educate on HIV/AIDS
To prevent and STOP HIV/AIDS in the community
To care for our community
An estimated 24.5 million adults and children were living with HIV or AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa at the end of 2005. Since then, an estimated 2.7 million additional persons have acquired HIV.
In South Africa alone, an estimated 5,500,000 people are living with HIV or AIDS.
In Africa, if someone does know they are infected with HIV, they don’t admit it. They will blame their sickness on TB, pneumonia, or even a curse from witchcraft. Worse yet, if they do admit they have HIV or AIDS, they will be totally ostracized by friends, family, neighbors and even churches.
This epidemic is killing our brothers and sisters in Christ but is kept a secret. It’s time for this generation to rise up and reveal the secret that is breaking God’s heart and breaking apart Africa. That’s why Beat the Drum was implemented.